My academic advisor at Santa Clara is taking a medical leave to treat breast cancer. I heard about it recently from another professor, but initially was told to keep it under wraps. Now, the news is public via the department’s February newsletter.
Ironically, I haven’t officially met my advisor. I’ve been meaning to schedule an appointment since her regular office hours are the same time I’m in class. And Santa Clara will probably assign me to a new advisor for now, but I’m sorry to miss out on this woman since I’ve only heard great things about her.
The department newsletter that shared the news of our professor's diagnosis also included a touching and optimistic message from her explaining the situation. There was also a warning, or word of caution, from the Dean, for students to please refrain from contacting, writing, and calling her, since the genuine concern has been overwhelming and she is experiencing “Support Overload.”
Support Overload! I’ve never heard that term but it makes sense. When people belong to a service oriented church (hmm..I know one like that! :), or, in this case, are encircled by supportive and caring people, they could potentially experience an abundance of support that’s borders on exhausting. Interesting!
And, it sounds fitting to me that a professor of therapy would be inundated with well wishes from colleagues and people studying to become therapists. You couldn’t find a nicer group of people! I’ve been touched time and again with the caliber of students and professors in this program. All of whom will be sending prayers, good vibes, and positive energy the way of my former (and hopefully will be again at some point) academic advisor.