Friday, April 27, 2012

Karma for the “A” Team!

“Even chance meetings are the result of karma.  That even in the smallest events there is no such thing as coincidence.”  -Haruki Murakami 

It’s official.  We’re in.  Once again, the “A” Team has an impeccable record for entry into the Nike Women’s Marathon; in fact, our record is perfect.  We’ve never been denied admittance, yet, the lottery numbers rise every year.  

I’m not generally one who garners such good luck coming my way so our runners getting in (again!) feels particularly fortuitous.  

In an effort to be present and mindful, I’m taking notice of our good fortune and acknowledging that maybe it isn’t coincidental.  Maybe the NWM and The “A” Team are destined; meant to be.  Whatever the reason, we’ll take it!  Time for training to kick it! 

"Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don’t even notice it.” - Sakyong Mipham