Julie’s son, Christian, happened to marry Kellie, who is the daughter of another friend, Shauna Nielson! Gotta love it when that happens!
Christian and Kellie basically grew up together as friends, same ward, same schools, and ran in the same crowd. After Christian’s mission they dated and happily discovered that friendship can be a good start to a great relationship.
At Paigey’s 5th birthday party (with a Cheerleading Theme) we recruited Kellie to come in her high school uniform and teach the party girls some cheers. It was a big hit and I often think of Kellie when I see cute cheerleaders.
Julie is now a grandmother of eleven. Kim and Tom (who used to babysit the Knudsen kids) have four girls. Christian and Kellie have three. And two kids each for Matt and Joanna and Katie and Eric. Julie is especially lucky because two of her kids (Christian and Katie) married her friend’s kids (Kellie is Shauna Nielson’s daughter and Eric is Ann William’s son). How fun is that! Julie and I lament the fact that she has no unmarried children; otherwise we’d try to broker a match!
It’s a cool stage of life to see these children of friends start up there own little families. It’s particularly fun when you know both of their parents (like the Larsons and the Nielsons). It’s also a dose of reality because while I don’t feel that old, knowing that Christian and Kellie are now a family of five is a painful reminder that time does, in fact, march on!