Monday, April 11, 2011

O’er the land of the FREE...

“There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch.”

But, there is such thing as “FREE” on Craigslist. And, to my discovery, “FREE” has a huge following.

Last Monday night I posted this photo on Craigslist with the caveat that the play set is free to anyone willing to disassemble and haul it away.

By Tuesday morning I had over 50 emails and the response is currently at over 150 requests. Wild!

All this attention for a play set that I almost paid to have removed. I guess the adage that “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure” isn’t too far off the mark.

I committed to give it to a nice young family but the emails continued and I desperately wished we had multiple play sets to give away. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings with my email reply that the play set is already spoken for.

The majority of the emails were typical “we want it...when can we pick it up?” But some were a little heartbreaking like “my husband passed away and this would be great for my three kids” or “I have a son with autism, I lost my job, and the play set would be sooooo helpful for us” or “Thank you! God bless you! We can come today with tools and truck.”

I’ve had to disappoint a bunch of strangers, darn it anyway! But I am delighted that it appears headed to a good home. A family who might not have a lot of money but it seems like they have a lot of love.

So, it’s a win-win! I get the weather worn play set removed from our premises and another family can shine it up and hopefully get some more life out of it. Perhaps, there is such a thing as a free lunch/playset/etc. after all. You just have to know where to find it...and apparently that would be on Craigslist (who knew!).