Thursday, April 14, 2011

Laundry Instruction in Primary!

The Primary Presidency spoke in Sacrament meeting last month and Heather Harrington’s theme was a paraphrased version of Robert Fulghum’s poem: "All you really need to know you learned Kindergarten” but switched the sentiment from Kindergarten to Primary.

I can verify Heather’s claim on the powers of Primary from an experience last week when Emily Bryan was helping me fold laundry. When I thanked Emily for her help I asked her where she learned to do laundry so nicely and without missing a beat she announced proudly: “I learned it in Primary.”

Last time I checked most of the Primary curriculum is focused more on learning about the Savior, the scriptures, and the temple but maybe our Primary has some laundry instruction too. You never know....Kristen Schillage is definitely creative and innovative as well as our new fearless Primary President! Besides, Emily was pretty adamant (no surprise there)!

Actually, what Emily, as a new Sunbeam, is likely learning in Primary, rather than domestic skills, is helpfulness, cheerfulness and a good work ethic.

I’m a few years past Primary age but I still learn some good life lessons at church. In fact, lots of spiritual messages turn out to be pretty practical too.

Nan Hunter once told me that she learned more in life from her church callings over the years than everything she learned from her schooling/education. At the time I knew Nan had a college degree and I wasn’t sure I believed this could be true.

But, years later I kind of see what Nan was saying. We are learning constantly and some of the educational things turn out to be loads of information or busy work or even mindless drivel. But the things I’ve learned in church and through a multitude of callings have probably made more of a difference in who I am. Many times they are out of my comfort zone, many times they’ve forced me to stretch beyond what I thought I was capable of.

When Emily and I put the clothes away in the closet I told her I shared with the Bishop, she wanted to know if I was friends with the Bishop because she confirmed that she is and that the Bishop gave her a rubber duck! As you can see, it is much more entertaining to work with a Sunbeam who is 100% certain she learned how to do laundry in Primary!