Saturday, April 23, 2011

Our Good Friday Graduate...

“Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve”

BYU has lots of notable graduates, for instance, Gov. Mitt Romney '71, Twilight series author Stephanie Meyer '95, Jeopardy genius Ken Jennnings '00, actor Aaron Eckhart ’94, and 49’s football QB Steve Young ’84.

But our favorite new graduate is Paige Knudsen, Brigham Young University, Class of 2011!

It’s been fun to spend a couple of days in Provo with the grandparents and extended family to celebrate our 3rd college graduate. In a sweet commencement speech Elder Richard G. Scott encouraged graduates to stand by their principles and have integrity in their actions. One of Elder Scott’s 10 advice points was “Don’t Complain” which coincidentally happened to be Paige’s Lenten sacrifice (she gave up complaining - not that she whines a lot - usually just if she’s hungry).

We had a celebratory meal at The Chef’s Table and throughout the 2 day festivities we had a photographer who actually knew what she was doing (thanks Anna). It seems we only have decent photos if Anita or Anna are around!

One thing I appreciate about both BYU and Pepperdine (the 2 schools my 3 kiddos have earned their bachelor’s degrees) is the merging of academia and spirituality. Philosophically I find education that nourishes the mind, the heart, and the soul more satisfying. Otherwise, knowledge gained from an institution simply feels like the Apostle Paul’s description in 2nd Timothy 3:7: “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

We are very proud of Paige! Now everyone in the household has officially earned their college diploma! Paige is our 7-11 Graduate: Los Gatos High Class of ’07 and BYU Class of ’11!